John Kessel has just let me know that the 2014 USA skill video series are now available. USA volleyball, in their typical thorough fashion, has presented all the skills of volleyball both for standing and sitting volleyball on the one web page.

This video series is short (approx. 1 min each) but concise, with the skills shown by Olympic and beginning players which are then compared showing no difference in technique between the Olympian and the junior player.

Of particular interest to me is the “new” skill of torque serving. In Australia we called this the “coach serve” and it is certainly the best way to teach beginners who may lack strength to get the ball over the net.

USA Skill series

To all volleyball coaches,
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year
from Elson Volley.

We will be closed from 28 June 2024 until 18 August 2024.

Any orders during this time will be processed after the 18 August.
