If I was taking a group of beginners I would like to see us be able to do a dig, set, spike over the net. For a junior group 3 per set would be great, 5 per set would be fantastic. I would keep the score of these spikes and that would be about all I would focus on. If you team is playing a clearly better team, this should be your focus, not winning. If your team is playing a clearly WEAKER team, this is still your focus.
Let’s see if we can do 3 spikes this set.
Let’s see if everybody in the team can do a spike each this set.

 OK now we have to have “Jake” spike and we only have 6 points to go.
We are running out of time and we have 3 quicks to meet our target.
We have had 2 players “hit the court” – our target was 3.
At tournaments you cannot just rely on the results to be enough to keep your team having fun as only one team can win.
Other activities can also be the reason the team just had a ball. Excursions, magic tricks, Russian numbers etc.

If you are looking at keeping players motivated at training keep the team aims in front of the team.
– 4 trainings left until we play in the championships
– 100 days until the nationals
– Have your players mark the training out of 10 with respect to team effort. Set a minimum level your team is – prepared to accept and always keep it better than that eg: 8/10 for intensity.
– Make trainings fun. 
– Make trainings CHALLENGING (drills to have a success rate of 50% – 80%.)
– Start and finish trainings with something they like.
– If you have to have a long session with something boring, break it up.
– Have a drink half way through / keep changing partners
– Keep the number of kids in the drill to the MINIMUM so they all get lots of contacts.
– Keep them busy design your drills 
MMC = Maximal, Meaningful Contacts. 
– Have a plan. – Put your plan on the whiteboard so kids can see what they will be doing and in fact THERE IS A PLAN

Thanks Eldo for the wisdom!

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